The Social Sciences (2022 Volume 17)

  • Number of issues per year: 12
  • ISSN: 1818-5800 (Print)
  • ISSN: 1993-6125 (Online)
Archive (Volume 15 Issue 1, 2020)

Examining the Relationship between Parenting Style, Self-Esteem and General Health of Young People up and Down the City’s Religious Beliefs IZEH

Yousef Mombeyni Niya, Manije Shehni Yailagh and Gholam Hossein Maktabi

Investigate the Relationship between Sexual Self-Esteem and Intimacy with Quality of Life among Female Teachers at High School in Shiraz (District 2)

Seyyed Mohammad Bagher Jafari, Samad Zarepour, Masoume Kimiyayi, Yasser Eidy Monfared and Mohammad Hashim Miri

The Capacity to Think Critical Students to the Matter Environmental Management with the Approach Skill the Process of Science Junior High School (SMPN) 14 Ambon

Muhammad Rijal, Idrus Sere, Janaba Renngiwur and Haryati Sutia

The Influence of (The Society Self-Suporting Development Program (SSDP)) Towards Regional Development in Serdang Bedagai Regency

Ihsan Azhari

The Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence, Achievement Motivation and Teenager Sexual Behavior in Dating at Sman 4 Palu

Sri Dewi Lisnawaty, Syamsul Bahri Talib and Muhammad Jufri

The Social Construction of Digital Multimedia and the Policy of Mass Media Coverage in the Creation of Hyper-Reality Politics in Indonesia and Malaysia

Basa Alim Tualeka and Burhan Bungin

Proactive Aggression in Middle School Students

Karim Fakhry, Helal and Bouchra Hussein Aboud

The Political Stability of Federation of Malaysia

Panlayamon Sinnang

The Need for Sustainable Tourism Development in Pha Taem Community and Sam Phan Bok Community Ubon Ratchathani

Sujitra Chantana

The Meaning of Boundaries as Embodiments of Place in Ammatoa Kajang Community

Mimi Arifin