Asian Journal of Information Technology

A New Approach to Spliced Alignment Gene Prediction Algorithm
Mohammad Zakir Hossain Sarker , Jubair Al Ansary and Md Shajjad Hossain Khan

Abstract: Genomics is the field of study that seeks to understand the structure and function of all genes in an organism based on knowing the organism`s entire Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequence and extensive reliance on powerful computer technologies. The science of Bioinformatics, which is the bonding between molecular biology with computer science, needed genomic information to contribute in various disciplines. In recognition of that, many universities, government institutions and pharmaceutical firms have formed bioinformatics groups, consisting of molecular biologists and computer scientists. All of these bioinformatics groups are depended on laboratory experiments along with web base resources. These web recourses are time consuming and rigorous to access and use. This study has studied some of the existing gene prediction algorithms, which are used behind these web-based resources. Gene prediction algorithm predicts the probability of existing genes in the biological sequences such as protein sequences or DNA sequences. This study also describes a new approach to spliced alignment algorithm, one of the mostly used gene prediction algorithms. This new approach is more accurate and will overcome the complexities of the existing algorithm. And also will make the whole research procedure faster and easier.

How to cite this article
Mohammad Zakir Hossain Sarker , Jubair Al Ansary and Md Shajjad Hossain Khan , 2006. A New Approach to Spliced Alignment Gene Prediction Algorithm. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 5: 512-517.

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