Asian Journal of Information Technology

Java Native Intel Thread Building Blocks for Win32 Platform
Bala Dhandayuthapani Veerasamy and G.M. Nasira

Abstract: Threads can be accessed by different programming interfaces. Many software libraries provide an interface for threads usually based on POSIX threads, Windows threads, OpenMP and Threading Building Blocks frameworks. These frameworks provide a different level of abstraction from the underlying thread implementation of the operating system. The general parallelism is the execution of separate tasks in parallel. Nonnumeric code is usually implemented with task parallelism rather than data parallelism. The data parallelism is concerned mainly with operations on arrays of data. The data parallelism has a special significance in the era of the multi and many-core computing where huge numbers of cores are available on single chip devices. Multi-core processors have expressed parallel programming subject matter in interesting way for every programmer. Every program written in multi-core processor will run on the many-core processor in future will be difficult task. However, Intel Threading Building Blocks is a C++ template library that provides tasks, parallel algorithms and containers to support for scalable parallel programming using standard C++ code. This research finding focused on how Java can facilitate Intel TBB through JNI which can exploit painless usage of Intel TBB parallel algorithms that can be used in Java.

How to cite this article
Bala Dhandayuthapani Veerasamy and G.M. Nasira, 2014. Java Native Intel Thread Building Blocks for Win32 Platform. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 13: 431-437.

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