Asian Journal of Information Technology

Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbours Approach for Processing Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Rnn Monitoring Algorithm
R. Muruganantham and P. Ganeshkumar

Abstract: At present-day, modeling agent-based simulation is the only model that allows the simulation of the behavior of complex environments in wireless sensors. Associated with the location data elements that existed or composed and their significance or influence falling-off with the distance between them. And thus depends on the aggregate values of these data on the monitoring site, where a certain weight for each element is contingent on its distance from that locality. Reverse Nearest Neighbor (RNN) queries observing is advantageous in many scenarios entity tracing by means of wireless sensor netresearchs. Though, there is static research to address research questions RNN monitoring in this location. Even though, few algorithms have been proposed to address inquiries RNN monitoring in other settings, they are not well-suited for wireless sensor netresearchs. The motivation is that each of these algorithms based CPU which requires that all sites and faces being directed to a fundamental server to be handled further which quickly consumes the limited power sensor nodes. For that reason, in this research learning the difficult of handling queries RNN monitoring in wireless sensor netresearchs. We suggest automate environmental monitoring and control and tasks that would require a lot of period and possessions if done manually. And spreads WSNs entailing of nodes with partial authority to collect valuable data from the field. In WSNs, it is important to gather info in an operative energy.

How to cite this article
R. Muruganantham and P. Ganeshkumar, 2016. Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbours Approach for Processing Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Rnn Monitoring Algorithm. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 15: 4705-4710.

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