International Business Management

Profitability of Ecological Agrarian Business and Female Labour Productivity
Estrella Bernal

Abstract: The study presents the microeconomic data of a family-run agrarian farm that is representative of a general farm type (in the agrarian irrigation areas of Los Monegros, Spain) which has the particularity that it only uses female labour as part of an integrated business management approach. The economic data show the positive impact of the exclusively female study on business performance. These data as well as the productivity and characteristics of the female human values that are responsible for them are analysed. In the particular case study, these characteristics have saved costs and facilitated human resource management. With these results, we question the generalized model of agrarian management which practically always uses a male employed workforce with the consequent dominant male values. We will also set out the consequences of the use of female labour in organic agriculture in the region of Los Monegros. These facilitate population settlement and economic dynamisation due to a working day that optimises profits and favours the conciliation of work and family life.

How to cite this article
Estrella Bernal , 2011. Profitability of Ecological Agrarian Business and Female Labour Productivity. International Business Management, 5: 58-65.

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