International Business Management

Study of Actor Behavior Institutional Factors at Medical Services Market
Boris Tkhorikov and Olga Lomovtseva

Abstract: The rapid growth of health care spending during the decrease of the treatment overall effectiveness and the reduction of health care access in developed countries led to the need of traditional approaches review in respect of financing and the organization of health care. Focusing mainly on the payment methods, the algorithms and the standardization of medical services provision processes, the healthcare management ignores the peculiarities of a doctor behavior and a patient as rational actors trying minimize their personal costs and work together to achieve common goals. The study describes the model of market equilibrium in the industry, explaining the reasons of medical services “overconsumption”; two possible aspects of health “state” management are described affecting the total national expenditure on healthcare; the dilemma “doctor-patient” is considered, illustrating the key problem concerning the impossibility of solving the public health issues by the increase of funding.

How to cite this article
Boris Tkhorikov and Olga Lomovtseva, 2015. Study of Actor Behavior Institutional Factors at Medical Services Market. International Business Management, 9: 1047-1049.

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