International Business Management

A Study of Nationalism in Local Communities: Case Study Malang-Indonesia
Bonaventura Ngarawula and Anwar Fitrianto

Abstract: Studies of nationalism in understanding the relationship between state and citizens in general, showed that it is a construction which has been built by the most dominant external forces that is the power of the state or government. No studies discussed specifically about the existence of local values, customs and religion which are the most essential element in understanding nationalism. In this research which took a case study in the village Peniwen and we found that the understanding nationalism in local community of village Peniwen, through the proposition can be formulated as follows: the values that emerge through the local customs, habits and religion is the most elementary and essential elements in understanding local kominitas nationalism, life in harmony and peace, unity which has been developed in the local community and union tool in the context of pluralism and if the can be maintained well and not on state intervention will be the truest spirit of nationalism and the role of government will be synergical when the direction of the local values, customs and religions are valid and will be biased if the opposite is true.

How to cite this article
Bonaventura Ngarawula and Anwar Fitrianto, 2016. A Study of Nationalism in Local Communities: Case Study Malang-Indonesia. International Business Management, 10: 115-122.

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