International Business Management

Psychological Basis of Technological Leadership: Tools and Environment of Development of Personal Qualities of Future it Entrepreneurs
Alexey V. Morov

Abstract: One of the most important objectives of Russian system of higher education and science is achieving global technological leadership around 2030-2035. The existing educational practice, even in technical universities, however is poorly prepared to train leaders who could spearhead innovations in Russian companies and their consequent technological leadership. The researcher analyzes personality traits of adult IT leaders, technological entrepreneurs and top managers of IT companies and compares them with 1st and 2nd year technical students. The main experimental method is the 16-factor personality questionnaire of R. Kettell (16PF). The research showed significant differences in the following factors: A (responsiveness exclusion) where the average in the group of entrepreneurs is higher by 31%, C (emotional stability-instability), where the average in the group of entrepreneurs is higher by 33%, E (dominance-subordination) where the average in the group of entrepreneurs above 35% and especially F (prudence-carelessness) where the average in the group of entrepreneurs is higher by 79% and H (boldness-shyness) where the average in the group of entrepreneurs is higher by 65%. On the basis of the research results, the researcher presents practical recommendations how to improve educational process and psychological environments of educational institutions.

How to cite this article
Alexey V. Morov , 2016. Psychological Basis of Technological Leadership: Tools and Environment of Development of Personal Qualities of Future it Entrepreneurs. International Business Management, 10: 1365-1369.

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