International Business Management

Sustainable Property Application from Various Perspectives
Hilma Tamiami Fachrudin and Khaira Amalia Fachrudin

Abstract: Sustainable property is an action and initiatives to reduce the negative impact in the environment. Sustainable property is usually realized in the form of green building with eco-friendly design. This study aim is to find the implementation of sustainable properties in Medan City from various perspectives, namely: developers, architects, architecture academicians, house owners, appraisals, Medan municipal officials and tax academicians. The research method is qualitative method with in-depth interview technique. Samples are 14 respondents, two respondents for each group, namely developers, architects, architecture academicians, appraisers, house owners, Medan municipal officials and tax academicians. The analysis was done by descriptive and inductive conclusions. The results showed that there was awareness for implementing sustainable property but faces obstacles in its implementation. This is because sustainable property requires substantial investment, lack of demand for sustainable design, lack of ability to create designs with the concept of sustainable, less in-depth understanding about the concept of sustainable as well as the lack of binding regulations and lack of incentives. In the practice of property valuation in Medan City this concept is not an important consideration that influence the property value. Government is expected to implement appropriate regulation and give an incentives for sustainable property development.

How to cite this article
Hilma Tamiami Fachrudin and Khaira Amalia Fachrudin, 2017. Sustainable Property Application from Various Perspectives. International Business Management, 11: 1343-1347.

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