International Journal of Soft Computing

Determination of Center Frequency of the Signal on the Basis on Wavelet Transformation
K.S. Makarov and A.S. Sizov

Abstract: In connection with the increased flow rate signals with short pulse duration to the methods of analysis used in modern means the automated radio monitoring are requirements to reduce the size of the analyzed sample. The research presents a method for determining the center frequency based on wavelet transform which allows to reduce the size of the sample signal. An example of phase-modulated radio signals provides a comparative analysis of the presented method and the method utilizing powering signal and spectrum analysis based on the fast Fourier transform.

How to cite this article
K.S. Makarov and A.S. Sizov, 2016. Determination of Center Frequency of the Signal on the Basis on Wavelet Transformation. International Journal of Soft Computing, 11: 127-130.

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