Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Fermentation of Feeds in Lactating Dairy Cow Diets by Cultures and Co-Cultures of Amylolytic, Proteolytic and Fibrolytic Ruminal Bacteria
Gail A. Bushur , Alexandra H. Smith , Michael R. Murphy and Evan J. Friedman

Abstract: Interactions among an amylolytic (Streptococcus bovis JB1), a proteolytic (Selenemonas ruminatium lactilytica HD1), and a fibrolytic (Fibrobacter succinogenes A3c) species of ruminal bacteria in fermenting alfalfa hay, corn silage, a ground corn-soybean meal based concentrate mix, and a totally mixed diet were studied in vitro. There was little evidence of large or systematic differences among cultures and co-cultures fermenting the alfalfa, corn silage, or totally mixed diet; however, pH and end product concentrations within cultures and co-cultures fermenting the concentrate mix differed dramatically and dynamically. The pH decreased more rapidly in cultures inoculated with both S. bovis and F. succinogenes than it did in cultures inoculated with S. bovis but not F. succinogenes. The apparent interaction between the amylolytic and the fibrolytic species in fermenting the concentrate mix suggests that more research on this topic is needed.

How to cite this article
Gail A. Bushur , Alexandra H. Smith , Michael R. Murphy and Evan J. Friedman , 2004. Fermentation of Feeds in Lactating Dairy Cow Diets by Cultures and Co-Cultures of Amylolytic, Proteolytic and Fibrolytic Ruminal Bacteria . Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 3: 194-197.

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