Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Evaluation of Functional Traits in Different Regions of Dairy Cattle Data in Turkey
Serhat Arslan Hamit Mirtaghizadeh

Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate for functional herd life (FHL) of Turkish Holstein in sires and cows using with repeatability model. Repeated records were collected from 1990 to 1996 and consisted about 6368 lactation records from Holstein cattle in different lactation. FHL, direct herd life (DHL) based on survival of sires of daughters, indirect herd life (IHL) based on an index of EBV for conformation traits, and combined herd life (CHL) were investigated for traits on survival. Survival data were analyzed using a multiple-trait repeatability animal model and Hazard functions. The multiple-trait animal model for solution and evaluation of three survival traits were reached after 1000 iterations. Results of estimating parameters for functional herd life of Holsteins were lower than results of literature. Heritabilities in three lactations are also different then literature. For survival analysis, all effects in the model were highly significant for data from different herds. The estimates for parameters of transmitting abilities (TED) were 1.43, 1.44, 1.58, and 1.23 for four state farms. Estimates of between TED indicated that a baseline hazard function that increases over of birth had a slightly lower change of being culled, even if corrected for parity. Heritability estimates for FHL were 0.083, 0.069, 0.058, and 0.093 for herds, respectively. Estimates of Heritability Using hazards functions were with 0.018, 0.019, 0.023, and 0.033 lower than linear model. In conclusion, the difference between linear mixed model and survival analysis were mainly the difference in data that can be analyzed. EBV prediction for longevity should be based on survival analysis to use information from censored records as well, thus yielding higher accuracies.

How to cite this article
Serhat Arslan Hamit Mirtaghizadeh , 2004. Evaluation of Functional Traits in Different Regions of Dairy Cattle Data in Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 3: 321-324.

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