Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Poultry Diseases at Rajshahi in Bangladesh
M. K. Hossain , M. Ahmed , H. Kabir , M. R. R Sarker , M. A. Jalil and G. N. Adhikary

Abstract: A pathological study was conducted on the poultry diseases occurring at Rajshahi region of Bangladesh during the period January,2001 to February,2002. A total of 327 cases were studied of which some are sick birds and others are dead. Diagnosis of different disease conditions were made on the basis of history, clinical findings, pathological findings, age(IBD) (12.53%),Infectious laryngo-tracheitis (ILT) (0.61%), Avian leucosis complex (3.36) , Mareks disease (0.61%), Duck plague(2.14%),Pullorum disease(5.81%), of birds, isolation of the organisms ,serology and response to treatment. The diseases thus diagnosed are Newcastle disease (ND) (14.37%), Infectious bursal disease Colibacillosis(5.19%), Fowl cholera(1.83%) , Fowl typhoid (3.66%), Necrotic enteritis (0.91%), Pneumonia (non specific )( 7.03%), Enteritis (non specific) (3.97%), Infectious coryza (1.22%), Aspergillogis (2.44), Chronic respiratory disease(CRD) (8.56%), Coccidiosis (10.70%), Helminthiasis , Deficiency disorders (3.66%) and Miscellaneuos diseases (4028%). Young birds were mostly affected by Colibacillosis, Pullorum disease,ND , IBD etc. Adult birsds were mostly affected by Mycoplasmosis, Fowl typhoid, ND etc. Vaccination failure was common in case of IB. CRD was commonly found as mixed infection with ND.

How to cite this article
M. K. Hossain , M. Ahmed , H. Kabir , M. R. R Sarker , M. A. Jalil and G. N. Adhikary , 2004. Poultry Diseases at Rajshahi in Bangladesh . Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 3: 656-658.

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