Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Study on Bovine Tuberculosis in the Holeta Dairy Farm, Central Ethiopia
William Lambert , Gobena Ameni , Kebreten Manaye and Yalemtsehay Mekonnen

Abstract: In light of the direct correlation between Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) infection in cattle and the disease in humans, control measures need to be applied to reduce the prevalence of tuberculosis in developing countries. To this effect, generation of epidemiological is of paramount importance. This study was undertaken on 243 heads of cattle using the comparative intradermal tuberculin test (CIT), gamma-interferon (IFN- ) test and bacteriology. Twenty-two percent (n=243) of the herd tested positive for M. bovis by CIT test. In addition, bacteriological culturing of the milk and nasal discharges reconfirmed 38% (16/42) of the positively diagnosed subjects by the CIT test. An agreement (kappa=0.6) was recorded between the results of the CIT test and the IFN- test. Moreover, a positive correlation (r = 0.73) was found between the subjects deemed positive by both diagnostic tests. It was recommended the Farm management apply test and removal of positive animals regularly and strictly so that the disease is controlled in the Farm.

How to cite this article
William Lambert , Gobena Ameni , Kebreten Manaye and Yalemtsehay Mekonnen , 2006. Study on Bovine Tuberculosis in the Holeta Dairy Farm, Central Ethiopia. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 5: 1150-1154.

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