Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Enzyamtic and Oven-drying Method of Processing Rubber Seeds for Animal Feed and the Evaluation of the Toxicity of Such Feed in Rats
Okafor, P.N. and N.O. Anyanwu

Abstract: The hydrolytic activity of endogenous -glucosidase of Hevea brasiliensis towards the cyanogenic glycosides of rubber seeds as a means of processing was investigated followed by the study of acute toxicity of the enzymatically and oven dried processed feeds from these seeds towards rats. Crushing/ grating of the rubber seeds and allowing interaction of the endogenous -glucosidase with the cyanogenic glcosides content for a period of 60 min resulted in about 90-95% hydrolysis of the cyanogenic glycoside by the -glucosidase. Oven drying of the crushed seeds after 60mins at a temperature of 60?C for 180min gave rise to about 81% reduction in the total cyanogens content. Ingestion of feed compounded from the oven dried seed containing 9.25 mg CN 1Kg 1 did not produce any sign of acute toxic effects in rats after 72 h. Elevation in blood glucose and Thiocyanate was observed but the activities of aspartate and alanine amino transferases and alkaline phosphatase did not show any significant change (p <0.05) compared to those of control. The same was true of the total protein and serum albumin levels of the animals.

How to cite this article
Okafor, P.N. and N.O. Anyanwu , 2006. Enzyamtic and Oven-drying Method of Processing Rubber Seeds for Animal Feed and the Evaluation of the Toxicity of Such Feed in Rats. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 5: 45-48.

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