Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

The Haemogram of Dogs with Gastrointestinal Parasites in Zaria, Nigeria
A.B.Ogunkoya , N.M. Useh and K.A.N. Esievo

Abstract: A study was conducted at the Ahmadu Bello University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (ABUVTH), Zaria, Nigeria to determine the effect of specific gastrointestinal (GI) parasites of dogs on the haemogram of such infected dogs. A total of 4214 (62.7 %) indigenous Nigerian dogs were presented to ABUVTH, Zaria, Nigeria between January, 1978 to December, 2000 with GI parasitism. The sick dogs were presented with the following clinical signs: Anorexia, post pandrial emesis, pale mucous membrane, dog bite, diarrhoea, bloody faeces, recumbency, straining during defaecation, emaciation, ascites, foaming in the mouth, worms in faeces, abortion, fever (39.8-41�C), inflamed eyes, lethargy, bloody discharge from the nose, abdominal pain and dullness. About 5469 (81.4%) of the dogs presented were males, while 1252 (18.6%) were females. The GI parasites encountered in this study include: hookworms (n=4107 or 61.1%), tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum) (n = 1042 or 15.5%), Ascarids (Toxocara canis and Toxacara leoninae) (n = 605 or 9%) and 289 (4.7%) were unidentified. The multiple infections observed in the study include: hook worm and tapeworms (n = 2352 or 35%), hookworm and coccidia oocysts (Isospora spp.) (n = 1385 or 20.6%), hookworm and Toxocara spp (n = 1028 or 15.3%). There was leucocytosis and eosinophilia in infected dogs and the contribution of each parasite to the blood picture is discussed. Also, the public health significance of the parasites encountered is discussed.

How to cite this article
A.B.Ogunkoya , N.M. Useh and K.A.N. Esievo , 2006. The Haemogram of Dogs with Gastrointestinal Parasites in Zaria, Nigeria. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 5: 782-785.

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