Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Effects of Ensiling and Drying of White Grape Pomace on Chemical Composition, Degradability and Digestibility for Ruminants
Rasoul Pirmohammadi , Ahad Golgasemgarebagh and Ali Mohsenpur Azari

Abstract: Grape Pomace (GP) is an agro-industrial by-product that can be utilized as a feed resource in ruminant diets. This study was done to determine the effects of ensiling and drying on degradability and digestibility of GP. Crude protein content in EGP and DGP was 144 and 132 g kg 1 DM, respectively. DM and NDF concentration of DGP was 497 g kg 1 and 504 g kg 1 and for EGP were 225 and 69.3 g kg 1, respectively. Total Tannins (TT) and Total Phenols (TP) concentration of DGP (186 and 236 g kg 1) was higher than EGP (92 and 132 g kg 1). The soluble components of EGP (a fraction) were 16.6% while this value for DGP was 24.3%. Rapidly degraded fraction of EGP was significantly (p< 0.05) lower than DGP. The insoluble but fermentable component (b fraction) in DGP (26.3%) was significantly (p< 0.05) higher than that of EGP (14.2%). Also dry matter Effective Degradability (ED) of EGP was significantly (p< 0.01) lower than that of DGP. ED value for DGP and EGP were 35.9 and 22.9%, respectively. Rate of degradation(c fraction) was not significant among DGP and EGP. DMD and OMD values obtained for DGP and EGP was 345, 285, 247 and 197 (g kg 1 DM), respectively.

How to cite this article
Rasoul Pirmohammadi , Ahad Golgasemgarebagh and Ali Mohsenpur Azari , 2007. Effects of Ensiling and Drying of White Grape Pomace on Chemical Composition, Degradability and Digestibility for Ruminants . Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 6: 1079-1082.

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