Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Comparison of Two Methods of Artificial Insemination in Sows
A. Cordova-Izquierdo , Sandra Elena Amaya-Mejia , Mary Silvia Cordova-Jimenez and Cristian Alejandro Cordova-Jimenez

Abstract: The necessity to optimize to the maximum the production, as well as to improve the quality of the final product, they have impelled the investigation in the field of the reproduction; the no-surgical deep intra-uterine inseminations, it could be an alternative. In pigs, when the sperm is deposited in a surgical way in the union uterus-tubaric, the number of sperms and the volume of the dose can decrease to 1�106 and 0.5 mL, respectively; in comparison with the traditional cervical inseminations where it is inseminated 3 to 5 �106 sperms in a volume of 80 mL, approximately; this could represent a benefit for the optimization of the germinal material of the reproductive males. The objective of this research is to compare reproductive and productive parameters between the Conventional Artificial Insemination (CAI) and the Post-cervical Artificial Insemination (PCAI). This study, was taken I end up in a Unit of Swinish Production of the State of Mexico, Mexico. A total of 34 females were used, divided in 2 groups, A and B with 17 female multipartum each one, selected at random. To the females of the group A, they were inseminated with the technique of CAI, three doses was administered, with interval of 12 h, after the beginning of the estrus. To the group B, was inseminated with the Technique of PCAI, with 2 doses; the first one, at the 24 h of initiates the estrus and the second, at the 12 h after the first dose. The fertility was 64% in both groups. The productive indicators were the following ones: Pigs Born Totals were of 76 and 113 for the group A and B, respectively. The total number of alive born pigs was of 64 and 96 for the group A and B, respectively. The total suckling pigs born/sow and alive born suckling pigs/sow were of 5.81 and 8.72; 6.9 and 10.27 for the first one and second group, respectively. For average weigh/suckling pig was of 1.35 and 1.25 kg for the group A and B. Finally, the percentage of mortality and mummifications were of 9.37 and 7.29; 7.8 and 0.88 for the group A and B, respectively. Therefore, in general terms, one can say that the method of post-cervical artificial insemination, showed better results as for the optimization of the used seminal material, reflected in better productive indicators.

How to cite this article
A. Cordova-Izquierdo , Sandra Elena Amaya-Mejia , Mary Silvia Cordova-Jimenez and Cristian Alejandro Cordova-Jimenez , 2008. Comparison of Two Methods of Artificial Insemination in Sows. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 7: 110-112.

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