Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

The Effect of Gender, Genotype, Dam Age, Birth Year and Birth Type on Birth Weight: Norduz and Karakas Lambs
Kadir Karakus , Cemal Budag , S. Seckin Tuncer , Taner Ozdemir and Ecevit Eyduran

Abstract: The present study was conducted to determine the effects of several environmental factors on 572 lambs (229 Karakas and 343 Norduz) raised at Research and Application Farm of Agricultural Faculty, Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey. In this study, birth type (single and twin), gender (male and female), dam age at lambing (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) and birth year (2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007) and birth weights (kg) of Norduz and Karakas Lambs were recorded. According to results obtained from the present study, genotype factor on birth weight of Norduz lambs was non-significant, the influences of gender (p<0.001), dam age (p<0.01), birth type (p<0.001) and birth year (p<0.05) on it were found significant. As a result, the birth weight trait provides useful information for early selection criteria in breeding program.

How to cite this article
Kadir Karakus , Cemal Budag , S. Seckin Tuncer , Taner Ozdemir and Ecevit Eyduran , 2008. The Effect of Gender, Genotype, Dam Age, Birth Year and Birth Type on Birth Weight: Norduz and Karakas Lambs. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 7: 1134-1136.

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