Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Evaluation of Changes in Management Practices on Frequency of DFD Meat in Cattle
Alma Patricia Sotelo Flores , Cristina Perez Linares , Fernando Figueroa Saavedra , Alberto Barreras Serrano and Eduardo Sanchez Lopez

Abstract: Five modifications in ante mortem management practices were evaluated in their association with the presence of DFD meat. The study was done in winter in 2 feedlots in Mexicali, Baja California, using information from 400 animals organized in 2�2 tables. The results show 30.27% of DFD meat. Moreover, temperatures above 16�C during driving, the use of the whip instead of the plastic goad and longer waiting time in rest pens continued to be factors related themselves (p<0.05) with the presence of DFD meat. Non-mixing animals among pens for their transportation as well as the total waiting time prior to slaughter resulted non-associated (p>0.05). The high percentage of DFD meat during winter, even with changes in management practices, makes it necessary to continue evaluating practices of animal wellbeing in searching of decreasing the amount of DFD meat.

How to cite this article
Alma Patricia Sotelo Flores , Cristina Perez Linares , Fernando Figueroa Saavedra , Alberto Barreras Serrano and Eduardo Sanchez Lopez , 2008. Evaluation of Changes in Management Practices on Frequency of DFD Meat in Cattle. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 7: 319-321.

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