Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Pica as a Predisposing Factor for Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis in Dairy Cattle: Serum Mineral Concentrations and Hematological Findings
Naci Ocal , G. GOkce , A.I. Gucu , E. Uzlu , B.B. Yagci and K. Ural

Abstract: In this study, 30 dairy cattle suffering from pica-related symptoms and exhibiting clinical signs of Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis (TRP) and 25 clinically healthy dairy cattle were examined for serum zinc, iron, copper and calcium levels as well as hematological cell counts. No specific clinical signs of mineral deficiency were observed in cattle suffering from pica and TRP were determined. In hematological examination, a mild non-regenerative, normocytic-normochromic anemia detected in cattle suffering from pica and TRP based on the followings: a significant decrease (p<0.001) in erythrocyte count (4.88�1012 L 1), MCV (54�0.53 fl) level within the range of the reference value and Hb (83.0�3.64 g L 1) and PCV (0.266�0.01 l L 1) both of which were near the lower reference limits. A neutrophilia (49.33�2.207%) (p<0.001) associated with lymphopenia (45.0�2.22%) was determined in blood cell count. Compared to clinically healthy cattle, dairy cattle suffering from pica-related symptoms and exhibiting clinical signs of TRP (group I) had significantly decreased Zn (9.547�0.51 �mol L 1) (p<0.001), Cu (7.193�0.41 �mol L 1) (p<0.05) and Ca (2.41�015 mmol L 1) (p<0.01) and mildly elevated Fe (50.649�5.03 �mol L 1) (p<0.05) concentrations. The results suggest that Zn, Cu and Ca deficiencies are associated with pica and may play an important role in its etiology. Taking the status of lactation, pregnancy and milk yield of the dairy cattle into consideration, rations should be supplemented according to mineral deficiency in soil and plants that may prevent the onset of pica, which is a an important predisposing factor for TRP.

How to cite this article
Naci Ocal , G. GOkce , A.I. Gucu , E. Uzlu , B.B. Yagci and K. Ural , 2008. Pica as a Predisposing Factor for Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis in Dairy Cattle: Serum Mineral Concentrations and Hematological Findings. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 7: 651-656.

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