Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Estimation of Growth Traits in Iranian Afshari Sheep Breed Under Rural Production System
A.R. Mohammadi , M.A. Abbasi , A.A. Moghaddam and A. Zare Shahneh

Abstract: In order to estimating body weight at different ages and pre and post average daily gain of Afshari sheep breed, the collected records by Jahad-e-Keshavarzi organization during 1994-2005 were used. Data were entered to excel and prepared for analysis by linear models using SPSS packages. Comparison of traits mean at different levels of fixed effects were done by Duncan procedure. The averages of Birth Weight (BW), Weaning Weight (WW) and body weight at 6th month of the ages (SW) were 3.26±0.072, 22.02±0.410 and 31.94±0.629 kg, respectively. The Average Daily Gain from birth to weaning (ADG1) and weaning to 6th month of the ages (ADG2) were also estimated 184.04±5.02 and 156.84±11.81 g, respectively. Effect of sex, birth type, birth years, birth months and flocks on BW were significant (p<0.01). Effect of sex, birth type, weighting year, weighting month and flocks on WW, SW and ADG1 were also significant (p<0.01). Effect of sex, weighting year, weighting month and flocks on ADG2 were significant (p<0.01), but the birth type did not change ADG2 significantly.

How to cite this article
A.R. Mohammadi , M.A. Abbasi , A.A. Moghaddam and A. Zare Shahneh , 2009. Estimation of Growth Traits in Iranian Afshari Sheep Breed Under Rural Production System. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 8: 1449-1454.

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