Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Microbiological and Chemical Quality of Afyon Clotted Cream
Belgin Siriken and Irfan Erol

Abstract: To determine the microbiological and chemical quality of Afyon clotted cream (Afyon kaymagi), a total 30 clotted cream samples were analyzed. As a result, total aerobic plate count was ≥104 and ≥108 cfu g-1 in 70 and 10% of the samples, respectively. Micrococci/staphylococci, enterobacteriaceae and coliform bacteria were 105 cfu g-1 in 20% of the samples. Pseudomonas sp. were 105 cfu g-1 in 10% of the samples. Enterococci and mould/yeast counts were ≥104 cfu g-1 in 20 and 10% of the samples, respectively. Coagulase-positive staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus and sulphite reducing anaerobic bacteria were not determined. The fat ratio was <60% in 20% of the samples. The fraudulent practice of the use of cow milk to substitute buffalo milk was commonly detected in Afyon kaymagi. Although, its chemical and hygienic quality is poor, it poses a minimal risk to public health with respect to pathogenic bacteria.

How to cite this article
Belgin Siriken and Irfan Erol, 2009. Microbiological and Chemical Quality of Afyon Clotted Cream. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 8: 2022-2026.

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