Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Development Trends of Aquaculture in the World
F. Fusun Tatlidil, Duygu Akturk, Zeki Bayramoglu and Halil Fidan

Abstract: In this study, development trends corresponding to the period 1980-2003 of the countries that have a voice in world aquaculture production are analyzed, taking into consideration the variables like their production, consumption, import and export. In the study, panel data set has been used in the analysis of the factors affecting fish import and export of the selected countries. In panel data set there are 12 horizontal cross-section data and 24 time series. The study includes the explanation of import and export of 12 countries performing the highest fish production in the world. In order to explain import and export, two models have been established and Chow test has been applied for both models. According to the results of the analysis, while import increases export at a rate of 17.04%, export increases import at a rate of 7.06%. While, relative increase in production decreases import at a rate of 5.66%, it increases export at a rate of 4.96%. Production affects import and export at the same rate but in opposite directions. The signs of consumption coefficient are harmonious with the expectations and while, its relative increase decreases export at a rate of 5.57%, it increases import at a rate of 5.99%. Income affects import positively and its relative increase increases import at a rate of 152%. Decrease in the value of country currencies against dollar decreases export at a rate of 0.25% ,while its increase increases import at a rate of 7.08%.

How to cite this article
F. Fusun Tatlidil, Duygu Akturk, Zeki Bayramoglu and Halil Fidan, 2009. Development Trends of Aquaculture in the World. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 8: 2291-2298.

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