Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Intensive and Semi Intensive Culture Probability of Caner (Barbus capito capito, Guldenstadt) of Aras River, Erzurum, Turkey
Telat Yanik , Olcay Hisar , Sukriye Aras Hisar , A. Kadir Bayir , A. Necdet Sirkecioglu , Ozer Ayik and M. Sitki Aras

Abstract: It was aimed to take indigenous barbell, Barbus capito capito, living in Aras River in Erzurum in Turkey under semi or intensive culture. Mature fish were captured from Aras river and transferred to research and extension center unit for acclimation and for production intensively. Study was repeated 3 consequtive years 2006-2008. X-ray pictures were taken and compared to the others living in Europe to show the differences between barbels. Length weight relationships were calculated to predict maximum growth. Lenght weight relationship was determined as L = 0.0071 W3.0554 olarak R2 = 0.9725 in fish population. Artificial fertilization of eggs were aimed. Mature fish did not response to hormone injections for freely stripping of eggs. Spawning did not occure in earthen ponds also naturally. Fish were slaughtered and eggs were fertilized with sperm collected without hormone injection for incubation. However, eggs were not successfully hatched. It was observed that the embryo was growing at initial stages but dying at later stages. It was determined that mature fish was very sensitive to diseases. Therefore, mortality was high in broodstock due to fungi. Moreover, it was recorded that mature fish was very selective and sensitive with respect to water quality. Consequently, it was suggested that further researches should be done for the successful artificial spawning of Caner for intensive culture. It was also, advised that further researches should be conducted at the environments similar to wild environment if possible on the same river or near the same river by marking mature fishes in order to understand migration and other behaviors.

How to cite this article
Telat Yanik , Olcay Hisar , Sukriye Aras Hisar , A. Kadir Bayir , A. Necdet Sirkecioglu , Ozer Ayik and M. Sitki Aras , 2009. Intensive and Semi Intensive Culture Probability of Caner (Barbus capito capito, Guldenstadt) of Aras River, Erzurum, Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 8: 829-834.

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