Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Intrabasin Variation in Growth and Condition of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Inhabited Coruh Basin, Turkey
Zehra Arzu Becer Ozvarol, Ayhan Yildirim, Serdar Bektas, Yasar Ozvarol and Serpil Yilmaz

Abstract: Growth and condition were analysed for brown trout from the streams from Coruh Basin, Norteastrean Turkey from summer to Fall in 2008. There were slightly variability both length and weight for brown trout among the streams. The highest instantenous Growth rate for Length (GFL) and total weight (GW) occured between 0 and 1 age for all streams with highest values in Kocun Bogazi stream. The lowest condition coefficient (K) for brown trout was observed in Cenker stream with mean value of 1.16 whereas the highest value was recorded in Yagli stream with mean value of 1.24 and there was statistical differences among the streams with analyses of one-way ANOVA (p<0.05). Also, length-weight relationship was calculated for brown trout from streams. It varied 3.008-3.166. Fishes in streams of Cenker and Mulk displayed isometric growth whereas those in other streams had positive allometric growth characteristic. Von Bertalanffy equation also was calculated to analyse growth in length for brown trout. Variability in growth and nutrition for brown trout among the stream might be attributed to physical envirionmental variables.

How to cite this article
Zehra Arzu Becer Ozvarol, Ayhan Yildirim, Serdar Bektas, Yasar Ozvarol and Serpil Yilmaz, 2010. Intrabasin Variation in Growth and Condition of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Inhabited Coruh Basin, Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9: 2445-2454.

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