Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

General Characteristics of Traditional Homegarden Involving Animal Practices in Rural Areas of Isparta Region of Turkey
Caglar Bassullu and Tolunay Ahmet

Abstract: This study has been prepared for the purpose of designating the general structure of traditional home-gardening in rural areas in the Isparta Region. Agroforestry Diagnosis and Design Methodology (D&D), interviews and surveys as well as literature and document analysis methods have been used in the study. It has been determined that there are 3 different traditional homegardens are present in the rural areas of the Isparta Region and that the area covered by the smallest home garden is 30 m2, whereas the largest home garden has an area of 9000 m2. Seventy-three different plant species of economic value have been detected in traditional homegardens. Thirty-three of these plant species are composed of fruits and forest tree species, while 40 are composed of vegetables and other agricultural plan species. Furthermore, 5 types of animals are raised for animal products such as meat, milk and eggs. The vegetables and fruits produced in traditional homegardens are primarily used for household consumption. Surplus products are sold at the markets in villages or in the centers of towns and provinces. The analyses indicate that the products are fully consumed by the households in the homegardens of 0-250 m2, whereas in the homegardens covering an area of 251-1 000 m2 half of them is consumed by the household and the rest is sold at the market. Market-oriented production is performed in the homegardens occupying an area >1000 m2.

How to cite this article
Caglar Bassullu and Tolunay Ahmet, 2010. General Characteristics of Traditional Homegarden Involving Animal Practices in Rural Areas of Isparta Region of Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9: 455-465.

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