Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Value of Protein Supplementation for Lambs and Meat Goat Kids Grazing Bermudagrass in Central Oklahoma
E.L. Walker, S.A. Nusz, D.H. Keisler and M.A. Brown

Abstract: Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) is a high quality, abundant warm-season grass grown in temperate regions of the United States. While research data exists to support protein supplementation of steers grazing bermudagrass pastures, no such data exists for management of lambs and meat goat kids. The objective was to evaluate growth response of lambs and meat goat kids grazing bermudagrass with or without access to a commercial 21% CP protein tub (PT vs. NPT). Two trials were conducted in El Reno, Oklahoma, starting in June and ending in August in 2007 and 2008. In 2007 and 2008, respectively 29 and 54 meat goat kids (90±5 days of age) and 68 and 62 lambs of wool and hair breeds (and reciprocal crosses; 100±5 days of age) were utilized. Animals were stratified by weight, breed and gender and randomly assigned to 1.2 ha of common bermudagrass pasture with (n = 2) or without (n = 2) access to a commercial 21% CP protein tub. Growth of animals was assessed by change in body weights and serum concentrations of leptin every 2 weeks during grazing periods of 71 days for 2007 and 56 days for 2008. Sheep had greater ADG than goats (p<0.05) and breeds of sheep differed in ADG (p≤0.05). Ad libitum protein supplementation tubs had no effect on ADG or serum leptin of either lambs or kids grazing bermudagrass. These data do not support the need for protein supplementation of lambs and meat goat kids grazing bermudagrass.

How to cite this article
E.L. Walker, S.A. Nusz, D.H. Keisler and M.A. Brown, 2011. Value of Protein Supplementation for Lambs and Meat Goat Kids Grazing Bermudagrass in Central Oklahoma. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10: 2582-2587.

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