Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Effects of Environmental Factors on Body Weight of Sistani Goat at Different Ages
Hossein Bazzi and Mahmoud Ghazaghi

Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of some non-genetic factors on pre-weaning and post-weaning growth in Sistani goat kids. Data from 81 records (36 males and 45 females) were analyzed. The data were collected from the Institute of Research Domesticated Animals, Zabol University in Sistan and Baluchestan province and Iran in 2008. The effects of dam weight after kidding, sex, birth type and time of weaning on the weights at birth, weaning, 6, 9 and 12 months of age and average pre and post weaning daily gain were studied. The average birth weight of male kids was about 3% higher than female kids. The overall means of Body Weight at birth (BW), Weaning 3 (WW3), Weaning 4 (WW4), 6 (W6), 9 (W9) and 12 (W12) months of age were 1.915, 7.796, 9.900, 15.597, 26.253 and 34.2 kg, respectively. Birth weight averaged 2.398, 2.355, 1.858 and 1.865 kg for single males and females, twin males and females, respectively. Kids had a faster growth rate from 6-9 months with daily gain 118.4 (g day-1) that the average daily gain in kids decreased with the age increase from 9-12 months of age. Average pre-weaning daily gain of female was also higher than male but there was no significant difference observed in pre-weaning gain heavy dam produced heavy kid (r = 0.319) but later weight had no relation with dam weight. Male kids in comparison with female kids and single born kids in comparison with twin born kids had higher birth weight and weaning weight.

How to cite this article
Hossein Bazzi and Mahmoud Ghazaghi, 2011. Effects of Environmental Factors on Body Weight of Sistani Goat at Different Ages. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10: 2819-2823.

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