Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

A Survey on Chemical, Biochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of a Traditional Dairy Product in Mediterrean Region: Kes
Seval Sevgi Kirdar

Abstract: The study was conducted to determine the microbiological quality (total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Lactococcus sp., Lactobacillus sp., Coliform bacteria, Staphylococci-micrococci, Enterococci, Enterobacteriaceae, yeast and mould) and biochemical properties (dry matter, fat, salt, acidity, pH, water activity, nitrogen, WSN/TN, TCA-SN/TN and PTA-SN/TN) of Kes. Total of 64 Kes samples were randomly collected from Burdur province of Turkey. According to the results of chemical analysis, Kes is included in the moisture food groups (aw = 0.90) and less mature cheeses. Kes proteolysis were found to be low-level. The microbiological quality of Kes is not satisfactory because the total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, yeast and mould counts are high. Coagulase-positive staphylococci was detected in 12 of the 64 samples (25%) and E. coli was detected in 2 of 64 (3.1%). It was concluded that Kes may be contaminated with some microorganisms during production or selling.

How to cite this article
Seval Sevgi Kirdar , 2012. A Survey on Chemical, Biochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of a Traditional Dairy Product in Mediterrean Region: Kes. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11: 330-334.

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