Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

The Progress of Poultry Meat Production in Turkey
B. Senturk and H. Guler

Abstract: The purpose of this study the proggress of Turkey’s total poultry meat production in recent years. For this purpose this study data was collected the annual statical data of TurkStat and State Institute of Statistics and BESD-BIR. These data were examined between the 2000-2009 years. Export data were collected undersecretariet of the Prime Ministary for Foreign Trade. The literature data was examined to obtained for sustainabilty in this area. The analysis of the data is the method of this study. The quantity of poultry meat consumption data were calculated for using the number of total production data for 10 years and progress were analized and compared the old years. In the year of 2000, total quantitiy of poultry production was 752,382 tons. In 2009, it was the 1.340.000 tons. During the considered years, total production has increased except in 2001 and 2006. Economically, there is some important negative effect between these years. Firstly highly pathogen avian influenza pandemic, secondly some economic crises global and country level for some years. Turkey’s population increased by arround 5.7 million between the years 2000-2009. Whereas, poultry meat consumption increased by approximately 5 kg at the same period. There were some spesific progress have been identified with regarding the export of poultry meat. For example exports of chicken leg was increased as 3.75 fold. Total poultry meat and offal export was increased as 11 fold. In conclusion, in this study focus on remarkable progress for poultry meat industry and which precautions should be taken to ensure sustainability in this area in Turkey.

How to cite this article
B. Senturk and H. Guler , 2012. The Progress of Poultry Meat Production in Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11: 763-765.

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