Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Alteration of Tissue Fatty Acid Composition and Concentration in Broilers by Diet Microalgae Oil
Yan Li, Chao Sun , Peng Pu and Renli Qi

Abstract: This study investigated the effect of microalgae oil on tissue Fatty Acid (FA) profile of broilers. Through analysis, it was discovered that microalgae oil altered the FA composition and concentration during the development of different organs. In liver, microalgae oil increased the concentration of C22:6 (High Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, ΣHUFA) but decreased the concentration of C18:1 (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids, ΣMUFA) during the initial growth period while at a later stage, there was a significant increase of C18:1 (ΣMUFA), C22:6 (ΣHUFA) and C20:4 (ΣHUFA) and a decrease of C18:2 (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, ΣPUFA). Moreover, after the withdrawal of microalgae oil, there was a continued effect on C22:6 for 1 week. Liver exhibited a similar change in concentration of FA as the breast, leg muscle and brain, especially at the later phase. Therefore, researchers can conclude that microalgae oil alters tissue FA composition and concentration during maturation which is an important period for sustained development and maintenance of FA. Unfortunately, pro-longed feeding of the broilers with microalgaee oil diets did not result in the accumulation of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) in tissues.

How to cite this article
Yan Li, Chao Sun , Peng Pu and Renli Qi , 2012. Alteration of Tissue Fatty Acid Composition and Concentration in Broilers by Diet Microalgae Oil. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11: 841-848.

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