Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Expression of Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH) in Iranian Honey Bees (Apis mellifera meda)
Amir Naji Khoei, Cetin Firatli and Pedram Golamzade

Abstract: In Iran honey bees cannot be kept without chemical treatments against Varroa destructor. The rich variety of native honeybee subspecies and ecotypes in Iran offers a good genetic resource for selection towards Varroa resistance. There are some examples of mite resistance that have developed because of natural selection in wild and managed Iranian populations. Researchers tested five commercial sources of honey bees, Apis mellifera meda in East Azarbaijan Province of Iran. Colonies from the five sources were measured for VSH and number of the fallen mites on the hive floor. The reduction of mite infestation in brood combs exposed to test colonies for 1 week differed significantly between groups. On average, colonies with natural low-level brood infestation reduced infestation by 26%. A positive correlation (Spearman coefficient) between Number of Fallen Mites per 1000 Bees (NFMB) with percentage of the mites that infested the brood (PMB) (r = 0.442**; p<0.01; n = 50) was found. Results of path analysis showed 53 and 14% of variation (standard deviation) in NFMB are because of percentage of the mites in phoretic phase (PMP) and PMB variables, respectively. This diversity offers rich potential genetic resources for selection on mite resistance.

How to cite this article
Amir Naji Khoei, Cetin Firatli and Pedram Golamzade, 2014. Expression of Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH) in Iranian Honey Bees (Apis mellifera meda). Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 13: 72-76.

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