Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of Distal Cannon Bone Physitis in Cattle
Awad Rizk and El-Sayed El-Shafaey

Abstract: The present study was designed to describe the clinical and radiographic findings of distal cannon bone physitis in cattle and to evaluate the outcomes of conservative and surgical treatment of such affection. Nine cattle aged 6-18 months and of both sexes were included in this study on the basis of clinical and radiographic evidence of physitis at the level of distal cannon bone. Affected cattle were subjected for clinical index scores and radiographic scores evaluation pretreatment and along the treatment duration. All cattle were assigned for conservative treatment including stall rest and diet correction in conjunction with long-term combinations of parenteral antibiotics and a Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) administration. By the 8th week post-treatment, the summation of clinical index scores and radiographic paramters showed a significant improvement with successful response to this conservative regimen in 6 cattle while the other 3 cases showed signs of septic physitis which subsequently conducted for surgical curettage of the physeal lesions. All cases of septic physitis were completely recovered with successful outcomes by the 8th week post-treatment. In conclusion, surgical curettage can be a useful adjunct to conservative treatment of the distal cannon bone physitis which considerably enable the affected cattle to be returned to its intended use with minimal cost. Moreover, the clinical index scores and radiography provide a precise paradigm for diagnosis and monitoring the outcomes of cattle physitis.

How to cite this article
Awad Rizk and El-Sayed El-Shafaey, 2015. Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation of Distal Cannon Bone Physitis in Cattle. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 14: 205-210.

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