Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Design and Implementation of the Lighter Version of Skein Cryptographic Hash Function Using Verilog HDL
Aparna Lakshmi Mooragondi, Sushrut Prabhakar, Avinash Yadlapati and Ranjan K. Senapati

Abstract: Secure Hashing set of rules-1 (SHA-1), created through National Institutes of Standards and Technology in 1993 is a hashing algorithm that was used to supply message digest. In 2005, cryptanalysts determined attacks on SHA-1 suggesting that the algorithm may not be comfy sufficient for ongoing use. The drawbacks of SHA-1 result in invention of new algorithm, SHA-2 which possessed excessive stage of protection. One of the drawbacks of this algorithm becomes no longer likeminded with running systems. In 2012, NIST performed a hash feature opposition to select a standard for the latest SHA-3 cryptosystem of which skein was into one of the five finalists. This research is aimed towards implementing “Lighter version of Skein” which is based on the skein hash function in Verilog and its FPGA simulation using the Xilinx Virtex 7. The design for both encryption and decryption of lighter version of skein has been discussed in this study. The additives, it uses are threefish block cipher and the unique block iteration. The overall performance attributes of lighter version of skein are discussed below. The principle goal is to examine and compare the latency, throughput and delay of lighter version of skein with skein-256 and various other traditional block ciphers and cryptosystems.

How to cite this article
Aparna Lakshmi Mooragondi, Sushrut Prabhakar, Avinash Yadlapati and Ranjan K. Senapati, 2016. Design and Implementation of the Lighter Version of Skein Cryptographic Hash Function Using Verilog HDL. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11: 162-166.

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