Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

The Conflictual Dynamics of Polities and Ethnopolitogenesis
Rubin G. Saifullin and Askar G. Khairullin

Abstract: The study puts forward the idea of relationship of polities dynamics with ethnogenetic dynamics that allows to suggest the existence of ethnopolitogenesis as a single process. The ethnogenetic dynamics is expressed by the fact that the ethnicity undergoes throughout its life a series of age phases, stable periods and phase transitions separating these periods–unstable crisis periods, for which is specific large-scale domestic conflicts and major military defeats of the state established by it. The ethnogenetic dynamics is determined by the population qualitative composition dynamics, i.e., by the dynamics of the proportion of the individuals of different energy types as the part of the ethnic group. It’s developed a universal and invariant regularity with regard to polity types, ethnicities and historic epochs, linking the polity dynamics in its conflictual aspect with the dynamics of population quality, the numerical algorithm of ethnopolitogenesis. The following hypothesis is stated that at the bottom of the algorithm existence is the synchronization dynamics quality by climatic cycles associated with solar activity cycles.

How to cite this article
Rubin G. Saifullin and Askar G. Khairullin, 2016. The Conflictual Dynamics of Polities and Ethnopolitogenesis. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11: 705-713.

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