Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Use of ICT’s to Generate Real-Time Alerts Based on the Automatic Analysis by the Artificial Vision System that Monitors Eruptive Processes
Cruz Christyan, Viteri Francisco, Barrera Kevin and Dario Jose Mendoza Chipantasi

Abstract: The great potential, reliability and the high number of applications made through artificial vision, are fundamental for the development of a monitoring system pyroclastic flows for active volcanoes axis through a platform called Raspberry Pi based on free software (Ubuntu), the great potential of it allows you to run several software for the application of computer vision techniques, make data processing and also control outputs from the same board. Thus, the main points to note when using an embedded system are a stable data acquisition, fast processing and control outputs to operate alarm systems but especially, the cost is reduced and reliable system.

How to cite this article
Cruz Christyan, Viteri Francisco, Barrera Kevin and Dario Jose Mendoza Chipantasi, 2018. Use of ICT’s to Generate Real-Time Alerts Based on the Automatic Analysis by the Artificial Vision System that Monitors Eruptive Processes. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13: 3169-3176.

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