Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Towards One-Time Biometric-Message Authentication Code in Cloud Computing
Zainab Amin Abduljabbar, Zaid Ameen Abduljabbar and Rana Jassim Mohammed

Abstract: Cloud Computing (CC) security is a significant area of concern. Thus, far a number of authentication and integrity schemes have been proposed to recognize or protect any modification with exchanges of message between two smart devices users within a cloud environment. However, suggested schemes did not give off an impression of being adequately designed as a secure scheme to prevent common forms of attack. In the research we design a lightweight Message Authentication Code (MAC) in light of the characteristic of manually signature applying a local binary pattern in order to guarantee the trustworthiness of the IoT client’s message. Characteristics are extricated from the client’s biometric-signature to produce a message code for every client’s login and to disallow malignant assaults, for example, forgery, replay and insider adversary. The scheme plot significant many security characteristics, for example, strong MAC anonymity, stage biometric-key management and agreement, a client’s message integrity, a client’s once biometric-key and once MACLESS code for every client’s session. At long last, the security investigation and test comes about show and demonstrate the insusceptibility and proficiency of the research.

How to cite this article
Zainab Amin Abduljabbar, Zaid Ameen Abduljabbar and Rana Jassim Mohammed, 2018. Towards One-Time Biometric-Message Authentication Code in Cloud Computing. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13: 8027-8033.

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