Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Empirical Analysis on Coping Strategy and Psychological Impact of Bullying Victim at School
Muhammad Nur Ali, Muthia Aryuni, Yunidar Nur, Fadhliah , Muhammad Khairil, Muhammad Rizal Razman, Emrizal and Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria

Abstract: Bullying in Indonesia is on the rise. Mocking, sneering and harassing may seem trivial and natural. But in reality, it is slowly but surely ruins a person. Bullying is a long-standing behaviour that can threaten all aspects of life for most children and adolescents at school, home and in their environment. One characteristic of bullying victims is unable to resist or defend themselves. This happens because of the weak coping strategies that affect victim’s psychological condition. The purpose of this research is to understand the coping strategy and psychological impact of bullying victim. This research utilizes qualitative descriptive study approach. Subjects are consisted of three early adolescents who were victims of bullying. Subjects were selected based on a survey at a school. Data are collected by using semi-structured interviews. Test validity is done by using triangulation test from sources such as teachers, friends and parents. The results of the study conclude that the coping strategies and psychological impacts on three subjects studied are almost identical that they are more emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping. The three subjects use avoidance strategy, distancing or resignation as if by nothing happened and seeking social support. Finally, the psychological impact of the subjects is similar in three aspects affective aspects: feelings of anger, sadness, embarrassment, anxiety and low self-esteem, cognitive aspects: it becomes difficult to concentrate during the learning process and decreasing academic achievements and behavioural aspects: rejected by their friends in school because of low self esteem.

How to cite this article
Muhammad Nur Ali, Muthia Aryuni, Yunidar Nur, Fadhliah , Muhammad Khairil, Muhammad Rizal Razman, Emrizal and Sharifah Zarina Syed Zakaria, 2019. Empirical Analysis on Coping Strategy and Psychological Impact of Bullying Victim at School. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 1628-1635.

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