Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

The Effect of Training, Mentoring and Self Regulation On the Extra Role Behavior of Personnel in the Navy Supply Service
Dani Achdani, Mochammad Asmawi and Maruf Akbar

Abstract: Nowadays, the extra role behavior is needed to improve thepersonnel performance in order to increase worker productivity in the Navy Supply Service Organization. The extra role behavior is called Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). There are several aspects that can affect the OCB of Navy spply service personnel, namely: training, mentoring and self regulation. This study aims to analyze significantly how the interaction and influence between OCB variables, consist of:the direct influence of training aspect (X1) on OCB (Y), the direct influence of mentoring aspect (X2) on OCB (Y), the direct influence of self regulation aspects (X3) on OCB (Y), the direct influence of training asspects (X1) on self regulation aspects (X3) and the direct influence of mentoring aspects (X2) on self regulation aspects (X3). This study uses survey methods and hypothesis testing by means of correlation analysis techniques and pathways in the constellation model between variables in order to obtain the relationship between variables. Furthermore, validation and reliability tests were also, conducted to strengthen the results of the study. In the end, the results showed that there was a strong direct relationship between the aspects of the OCB variable with the value of the correlation coefficient and path: (ry1, Py1: 0.624, 0.344), (ry2, Py2: 0.628, 0.362), (ry3, Py3: 0.632, 0.266), (r31, P31: 0.531, 0.396), (r32, P32: 0.505, 0.354).

How to cite this article
Dani Achdani, Mochammad Asmawi and Maruf Akbar, 2019. The Effect of Training, Mentoring and Self Regulation On the Extra Role Behavior of Personnel in the Navy Supply Service. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 1961-1970.

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