Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Design and Implementation of Electronic Infrastructure for Academic Establishment
Omar Ali Athab and Ahmed Mohammed Saheb

Abstract: Most establishments including academic institutions under goes the lengthy process of study-based document handling such as direct mailing, indexing and tracking. This daily task is time consuming and resource-intensive. Using a private network dedicated for such document management would benefit the establishment increasing operational efficiency. In this study, the Information and Communication Engineering (ICE) Department was used as a model to determine the requirements needed to build the intranet network. A packet tracer simulator was used to build a virtual intranet architecture.Then the simulation report was examined to ensure optimum functionality. Upon establishing a stable behavior an intranet infrastructure building commenced using the available hardware components and software.The system architecture was based on Windows 2012R2 server to manage 3 separated sub-networks connected to three switches and one router. Running the intranet for one semester proved its success in providing a fast, cheap and simplified service for all department needs. The accomplished system is a step forward to achieve a full electronic department in scientific establishments.

How to cite this article
Omar Ali Athab and Ahmed Mohammed Saheb, 2019. Design and Implementation of Electronic Infrastructure for Academic Establishment. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 2916-2927.

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