Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Connecting Physical Infrastructure to the Cyber Space using the Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
Haider A. Alwzwazy, Ruaa Hameed Ahmed, Younes Alwan, Laith and Hayder M. Albeahdili

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is considered to revolutionize the way internet works and bring together the concepts such as Machine to Machine (M2M) communication, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., all working under a same umbrella such that cyber physical systems and human are more intertwined and thus, ubiquitous. In this study, we implement Internet of Things (IoT) project for three different modules. In the first part, we design a remote robot car which can be controlled remotely from web interface anyplace around the world. In the second part, motion detection system is designed. It detects any object that radiates infrared such as humans and animals. After detecting, the Arduino Yun takes picture and uploads it to a Dropbox account which also can be monitored from anywhere for safety issue. Finally, humidity, temperature and light sensor detector is implemented to detect and upload all reading results to the Google Docs as real time monitoring. In the second part, we implemented data analysis using Hadoop.

How to cite this article
Haider A. Alwzwazy, Ruaa Hameed Ahmed, Younes Alwan, Laith and Hayder M. Albeahdili, 2019. Connecting Physical Infrastructure to the Cyber Space using the Internet of Things (IoT) Devices. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 4631-4640.

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