Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Evaluation Competencies Agent of Change Through Implementation of Regional Program Empowering Gotong Royong on New Autonomy Region in Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat
J.I. Abdulkadir, R. Madhakomala and Fahmi Idris

Abstract: This research aims to provide a good picture of evaluation as part of bureaucratic reform in the government environment in the region in realizing good and clean governance. Thus, it is expected to accelerate poverty alleviation for people who carry. Predicate of Social Welfare problems (PoSW). The Regional Program for Empowering Gotong goyong (RPEGR) with the aim of alleviating poverty as one of the principles of governance is networking and therefore, community participation as a theory is defined as participation, involvement and community togetherness and combined with gotong royong both directly and indirectly and carried out consciously without any element of coercion. Competence on the other hand is the ability of the underlying role of each person to contribute. The role of how to improve performance on his research also for successful organizations control and build a network of activities that are mutually supportive in an integrated design team. Agents of change are the spearhead in contributing to the empowerment of the target group. This research uses a qualitative approach with the evaluation method of the CIPP Model developed by Stuffelbeam, this locus of research is carried out in Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat. Data collected based on observation, documentation and interviews, checking the validity of the data to maintain the results of the study was carried out through review of aspects of credibility, transfrability, dependability and stability in the four dimensions of the CIPP Model. Research result based on the discussion previously stated on the context dimension. Has fulfilled the criteria. The input dimension has also fulfilled the criteria in the part of the process dimension has partially already fulfilled the criteria but in part other with the criteria enough. Indicators on product dimensions increasing professionalism of agents as outputs and benefits, namely changes in mindset and patterns of community action in improving family welfare and the environment. The indicators used in ths research are target recipient services, community participation and benefits received by the community. Based on the results of observations in the field and processing the data obtained the first for target beneficiary indicators, the village community groups that benefited most from RPEGR were the poor in the sector micro, agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries and marine business. Second indicators of community participation, obtain enough participation categories. Third for the benefits indicators received, it was found that benefits in the fields of skills, knowledge, health and income received by rural communities were still categorized as moderate. Quantitative data, illustrating that with full authority to the agent of change has significantly reduced poverty rates.

How to cite this article
J.I. Abdulkadir, R. Madhakomala and Fahmi Idris, 2019. Evaluation Competencies Agent of Change Through Implementation of Regional Program Empowering Gotong Royong on New Autonomy Region in Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 6820-6835.

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