Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Prostitution in Sight of Indonesian UU-ITE (Information and Electronic Transactions Law)
Arif Ridho Lubis, Ferry Fachrizal and Halim Maulana

Abstract: Today human rights to have free expression in the internet has affected the world of the internet itself, both the increasing number of the content and the negative influence of the content to the internet users which have been accessed by all people that ultimately resulted in the increasing number of cybercrime in the internet world. Of these problems, Indonesia has set up a law regulating the use of media technologies and information in the Internet world. But it is not enough to inhibit the negative effects arising out of the development of information technology media. Many illegal businesses are transformed as a result of the development for example, prostitution is currently increasing in Indonesia which has undergone a change of targeting customers and now a days, the targets are the users of social media and internet as their customers by utilizing social media as a means of commercial promotion for them. The misuse of social media as prostitution is clearly considered as a crime in the virtual world which is caused by a number of gaps and less regulations that have been set by the ITE law to regulate online transactions in prostitution and there are no clear rules whether online transactions using social media for prostitution may be subject to legal sanctions of ITE’S Law or not. With the background of problem, it is required to analyze and study of the relationship between ITE’S Law Indonesia against online prostitution transactions as well as the solutions, so that, the action of cybercrimes like internet and online prostitution by using the internet media or social media can no longer be done freely by the actor of the cyber crimes such action.

How to cite this article
Arif Ridho Lubis, Ferry Fachrizal and Halim Maulana, 2019. Prostitution in Sight of Indonesian UU-ITE (Information and Electronic Transactions Law). Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 9266-9271.

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