Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Influence of the Use of ICT in Biology Learning Junior High Schools West Sumatera, Indonesia
Erman Har, Kamisah Osman and Welya Roza

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of biology teacher attitudes, biology teacher ICT facilities, biology teacher ICT knowledge and biology teacher skills in ICT in learning. It also examined teacher’s abilities in developing ICT-based teaching materials in biology learning. The study used 5 variable including biology teacher’s attitudes, biology teacher ICT facilities, biology teacher knowledge, biology teacher ICT skills and biology teacher abilities in making ICT-based teaching aids. It used statistical analysis t-test inference, Pearson correlation and multiple regressions. In terms of gender, the biology teacher’s attitudes and biology teacher ICT knowledge influence biology learning. Contrastingly, biology teacher ICT facilities, biology teacher ICT skills and abilities in making ICT-based teaching material do not significantly influence. Moreover, the biology teacher ICT skills, biology teacher ICT facilities, biology teacher ICT knowledge and biology teacher ICT attitudes are some of the most influential variables. Facilities and attitudes are positively correlated with ICT just as knowledge and attitudes. The biology teacher skills in making teaching aids and their attitudes are positively correlated with ICT and have a positive and strong correlation.

How to cite this article
Erman Har, Kamisah Osman and Welya Roza, 2020. Influence of the Use of ICT in Biology Learning Junior High Schools West Sumatera, Indonesia. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 15: 803-809.

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