Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Concept of Form and Space in Buginese Aristocratic Traditional House in Bone South Sulawesi
A.M. Akbar, Ananto Yudono, Ria Wikantari and Mohammad Mochsen Sir

Abstract: Existence of Buginese aristocrat traditional house in Bone is greatly influenced by social stratification applied by the community; this causes differences on manifestation of form and space. It should guess that Bone aristocrat houses pay attention to some similarity with Buginese houses but since, Bone aristocrat historically has its own background (different to common people), this leads to differences on essential physical manifestation of its houses which is conducted to manifest description of dominant treasure ad cultural heritage eastern Indonesia and there are yet any in-depth researches on these issues. This research aims to find out the concept of form and space in Buginese aristocrat traditional houses and other factors which influence. Focus of the research is Buginese aristocrat houses in Bone Regency. Type of research is qualitative with rationalistic paradigm. Results of the research are: concept of the form has the principle of "Social millieu" namely the house serves as expression of aristocrat role static in presenting its stratification as a form of attaching unity in order to show its social status, concept of space has the principle of "Cultural symbolization" namely space serves as a symbol of micro-cosmos manifestation that is trusted by their ancestors, then it is known, related as well as given symbolic meaning, then identified based on its community culture which describe specific characteristics of the space, the factors influences on its are social environment and acculturation process of modern values.

How to cite this article
A.M. Akbar, Ananto Yudono, Ria Wikantari and Mohammad Mochsen Sir, 2020. Concept of Form and Space in Buginese Aristocratic Traditional House in Bone South Sulawesi. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 15: 865-868.

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