Journal of Mobile Communication

What Mobile Actually Means and Values for Consumers?
John Mylonakis and Alketas Malioukis

Abstract: Perceptions of the mobile phone are already changing; the mobile is taking on a new meaning and has superseded its utility as a medium solely for voice telephony; it is increasingly perceived as a multi-purpose device. This study addresses these issues, looking at what the mobile actually means to the individual-both the device and the functions it performs. When the mobile phone first came into the market it was indeed just a phone that could be used when mobile. As mobile penetration levels have increased so has the ability to do more with it. Aside from WAP the mobile can be used as a communicator through voice telephony and SMS text messaging, an entertainment device through games, an alarm clock, address book etc.

How to cite this article
John Mylonakis and Alketas Malioukis , 2007. What Mobile Actually Means and Values for Consumers?. Journal of Mobile Communication, 1: 1-5.

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