Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences

Trends and Traditions of Anthropological Model
Muhammad Ala Uddin

Abstract: Theory in each systematic discipline is built upon the investigation of the mass of unexplained social phenomena using the theoretical tool(s) aided by relevant methodological operations. A discipline prospers as such bodies of viable theories accumulate over time. The scientific objectivity is obtained when the theory matches the observed reality and demonstrates the power of predictability to a great extent. Thomas Kuhn (1970) introduced the notion of "paradigm" to describe the general laws, theoretical models and methods shared by a given scientific community at a given point in time. Each scientific discipline shares the transition to a new paradigm and the moment of a "Scientific Revolution" as well. Galileo and Einstein and other scientists are associated with ‘paradigmatic shifts` in natural sciences. Anthropology like other systematic science has the tradition of such revolution in its theoretical domain. The long disciplinary history of anthropology tells us the same story- several paradigms successively dominated for a reasonable period, competed with one another, and eventually one triumphed over others. For example, once society and culture were studied by the viewpoint of unilineal evolutionism, followed by historical particularism emphasizing on the empirical fieldwork while sacrificing the tradition of grand theorization in anthropology. Empirical fieldworks became the basic principle for the functionalist anthropologists since the 20th century, and even till now theoretical and methodological debate are on going in its own arena. This essay focuses mainly on uncovering the paradigmatic shift in anthropology in terms of the doctrinal development at a glance.

How to cite this article
Muhammad Ala Uddin , 2005. Trends and Traditions of Anthropological Model . Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 3: 297-301.

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