Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences

Development of Social Literacy Program to Enhance the Understanding of Social Study Concept Theme My Goals in Students of Grade 4 Elementary School
Risdiana Andika Fatmawati, Wahyu Sukartiningsih and Suhanadji

Abstract: This study aims to produce a viable social literacy program, practically and effectively used to enhance student’s understanding of the concept of fourth grade social studies. This research uses the type of research development (research and development) with Dick and Carey development model. The data types of a series of trials are quantitative and qualitative data. The average score of product feasibility reached 4.4 in very good category. The average score of achievement of practicality of social literacy program reached 4.5 categories very well. Criteria for achieving the effectiveness of social literacy programs with good achievement. For student responses have been met with >85% of students responded positively and the average student learning outcomes reached 85.55 with 85% of students who scored in the category completed. Based on the results of a test of hypothesis testing independent t test showed there are differences between the results of the posttest control group (with conventional learning program) with the experimental group (social literacy program) in order to improve the understanding of the students concept of so, it can be concluded that social literacy program feasible, practical and effective way to apply.

How to cite this article
Risdiana Andika Fatmawati, Wahyu Sukartiningsih and Suhanadji , 2020. Development of Social Literacy Program to Enhance the Understanding of Social Study Concept Theme My Goals in Students of Grade 4 Elementary School. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 17: 131-137.

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