Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences

Development and Teaching Material: The Improvement of Learning Outcomes Through Social Study Teaching Material
Luli Via Alltak, Roesminingsih and Waspodo Tjipto Subroto

Abstract: s study has the objective of producing teaching materials used to improve student learning outcomes. This type of research is the development of 4D (Four D Model) Thiagarajan. The results showed that the average ability of teachers in implementing learning which includes three aspects of preliminary, core and closing at the implementation stage is 84%. Student learning outcomes at the implementation stage of development of teaching materials with the average score on pretest is 70 while the post-test is 88. This means that from the average score increases when pretest with post-test. From the average acquisition of student learning achievement that reached score 88 indicating that average have been able to be categorized very well because including interval data 80-100. Based on the results of research, it can be concluded that the product development of teaching materials on social learning is categorized very well and feasible used to improve student learning outcomes.

How to cite this article
Luli Via Alltak, Roesminingsih and Waspodo Tjipto Subroto, 2020. Development and Teaching Material: The Improvement of Learning Outcomes Through Social Study Teaching Material. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 17: 29-36.

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